Why Being Broke Is Costing You A Fortune

Adam Del Duca
9 min readMar 11, 2022
Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash

What does a Lamborghini, a mansion and being broke have in common? Did you figure it out? The answer is that they all cost you a fortune. Now, I’m sure it’s obvious that the first two items come with a hefty price tag but you may be scratching your head about the third. Well, I hate to break it to you but yes being broke is a lot more expensive than people think and here’s why.

First off, let’s analyze the day to day lifestyle of someone who is broke. Chances are, they wake up early, commute to a job they hate, work for 8 hours, commute to a second job, work some more and then finally they come home late at night and do it all again the next day. Now, perhaps this chain of events seems preposterous to you and if this is the case then I am going to guess that’s because you aren’t broke and have never known what it’s like to not even have two pennies to rub together. If this is the case then I’m happy for you but sadly there are a ton of people who go through this hellish cycle every day and the worst part is that in the end, they have nothing to show for all the hours of work they put in!

At this point, you already have a taste of the less than ideal many financially destitute people experience every single day but sadly this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the expense they pay every single day. Speaking of those expenses that they…



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