5 Money Tips You’ve Never Heard Before

Adam Del Duca
9 min readMar 9, 2022
Photo by Frederick Warren on Unsplash

Have you ever looked around at people who appeared to be miles ahead of you financially and thought, “what do they know that I don’t?”. While there could be a host of different reasons why you your respective financial situations differ, chances are if they are lapping you financially, they know certain things about money that you’re still unaware of which is why I want to share with you five money tips you’ve never heard before that will definitely change your financial life for the better!

Money Tip #1: Avoid Iceberg Costs

When you think about the movie Titanic, what comes to mind? Chances are you think about two things: how much you cried during the movie and how much it must suck to hit an iceberg. Unfortunately, many people are allowing themselves to be just like the Titanic and are regularly crashing into icebergs that are literally destroying their financial lives. Cue iceberg costs.

Yes, you read that right, there are actually such things as iceberg costs so my Titanic analogy was more relevant than you probably thought. So what are iceberg costs? Iceberg costs are hidden costs associated with an initial action or financial outlay. Let me share with you a couple examples now.

One example of iceberg costs are hobbies. Let’s say that one night you accompany your friend to…



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