4 Ways To Make Passive Income With Debt

Adam Del Duca
9 min readDec 30, 2021
Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash

Ask most people and they will tell you that earning passive income is the holy grail of making money. I mean, who wouldn’t want to make money while you eat, sleep or even Netflix and chill! However, earning passive income is easier said than done, especially when your funds are limited. Fortunately, with debt, earning passive income becomes much easier so let’s now go over four ways to make passive income with debt!

Debt is arguably the most contentious financial instrument there is today. Ask people like Dave Ramsey and he will tell you that debt is literally the devil and that carrying around a credit card in your wallet is a sin. Grant Cardone on the other hand will tell you to borrow as much money as you can to help finance your future prosperity. With people of wealth giving two very different pieces of advice about debt, it’s no wonder that people don’t know how to feel about it.

However, generally speaking, I think that most people are somewhat averse to debt and I really can’t blame them. We’ve all heard stories of people ruining their finances by getting into high levels of credit card debt and others who will be paying back their student loans until they’re 50! In short, we’ve been conditioned to believe that debt is bad but if you ask me, it’s all in how you use it.



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